Thursday, April 24, 2008


Here in Southern California, summer is upon us... Is your yard ready?

Here are a few tips:
  1. Adjust your pool filtration - pool water requires more chemicals and filtration due to the increased warmth and usage.
  2. Adjust your sprinklers - your lawn will turn brown FAST if you don't start increasing the watering times now. It's definitely better to start adding water now than trying to bring a brown lawn back to life!
  3. Those chairs and cushions need some cleaning! No one is going to sit on the dirty lounge chair that is covered in dust, spider webs and God knows what...
  4. Clean out the BBQ - if you haven't been using your barbecue during the winter, I would recommend a good cleaning. Small creatures tend to make their homes in unused bbq's - not something you want to find when you have that first pool party!
  5. Concrete decks need cleaning too!! Your concrete can definitely benefit from a good powerwashing a few times a year. Even if you have sealed your concrete, dust, dirt and all the spilled sodas from the kids take their toll on concrete. Don't have a pressure washer? A hose and large push broom will do the trick.
  6. Break out the pool toys! You will find that your arsenal of pool toys will need some cleaning, inflating or even replacement. No one wants to deal with the wet, dirty deflated pool raft during your pool party...
  7. This is a great time to clean your pool cover - unless you have a mechanical pool cover, your pool came with a floating cover. If you are like most people, you probably stuffed it into the equipment area after it got dirty. It's time to resurrect the pool cover... did you know that you can increase the average temperature in your pool/spa by up to 15 degrees just by using the pool/spa covers? Clean it up and remember not to throw it in the dirt/grass when you are using the pool - roll it up and store it somewhere relatively clean when you are using the pool.
  8. Clean that tile - unless your tile is designed to have a white horizontal racing stripe, it probably needs some cleaning with a pumice stone. This is one area where maintenance cleaning is definitely easier than letting it get out of control.
  9. Check your low voltage lights, area lights and replace candles, etc. Light bulbs are easy to replace and make a big difference when it comes to using your yard.
  10. Make plans to spend time outside. Call your friends and schedule a party, cigar night or even an outdoor wine tasting... The yard is in tip top shape now, so show it off!!

Now it's time to get outside and get busy!

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